Bees vs Wasps

We do not provide services to remove bees as they are protected

How to tell the difference between wasps and bees

difference between wasps and bees

Wasps have distinct yellow/black bands around the abdomen.

difference between wasps and bees

Bees have a more non-descript light brown/brown-yellow colour.

difference between wasps and bees

Wasps will have a ‘waist’, where their body joins. They are also thinner and have longer bodies and legs than bees.

difference between wasps and bees

Bee’s tend to be rounder in shape than wasps, with thick middles. Bumblebees in particular are large and round.

Wirral Wasp Nest Removal

Wasps tend to have paper like nests, with distinctive grooves on them. They are made from chewed wood pulp. They are usually located somewhere sheltered near a source of wood; roof spaces, sheds and roof eaves are frequently used.

You will usually find Bee nests in cavities such as tree hollows, roof spaces and even underground. Due to their honey making capabilities, their nests are made of hexagonal cells made of bee wax, called a honeycomb.

Why are bees important to protect?

Honeybee colonies have decreased dramatically over the past 50 years, from 250,000 in the 1950s to less than 100,000 now. Numerous programmes have been started to help the bees, some of which may be easily carried out at home by adding additional flowers to your gardens and waiting a bit longer before cutting your grass.

To find out more visit the British Bee Keepers Association